Here are some lessons.
Updated 9/13/2022
XMega: Selecting System Clock:

Selecting the 32MHz internal clock as the system clock. Use external 32.768kHz to calibrate. Strobe system clock on PORTD PIN7 to see it's output on an oscilloscope to verify it works.
Raw Dawg'n The Arduino:

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These lessons are for those who want to stop using the Arduino IDE/libraries and want to start using the Arduino just for the hardware. Each lesson is a basic Hello World! type of lesson. It is assumed you know how to program and are familiar with the Arduino.
Raw Dawg'n The Arduino - Lesson 0:

Lesson 0. Setting up Atmel Studio and verifing it works by making an LED blink. Prerequisites - Familiarity with using the Arduino and 1 Arduino Uno and 1 Arduino Mega.
Raw Dawg'n The Arduino - Lesson 1:

Lesson 1. GPIO's. You'll needs 8 switches, 8 LEDs, and 8 voltage drop resistors