Here are some projects..
Updated 1/16/2019
Controls up to 8 servos at a time. Uses the SPI port to communicate with the master controller.
This serves as an inbetween for a microcontroller and the Parallax Ping)) sonar. It triggers the sonar and stores the distance and sends it out the SPI upon request. It can return about 55 measurements a second at a distance of 10 feet, which is about the max distance of the Parallax Ping)))
This pretty much the same as the Ping)))Bridge but it's designed for the HC-SR04's seperate trigger and return pins. Code expects a 16 MHz clock
Using the Anet A8 as a CNC drill for PCBs. Merlin or Klipper can't read drill code files generated by Kicad or convertered to gcode by pcb2gcode. So I wrote my own software to convert the output of pcb2gcode to a form that Klipper can read.