Simple schematics and hardware makes this project easy to build for a beginner. Other than headers for the servos it uses just 2 capacitors, 1 resistor, 1 crystal and 1 AVR (ATmega88). Schematic file can be viewed with the free version of Eagle Layout Editor. It uses SPI for communications with another micro/computer. Schematics and code can be easily changed to use the USART instead of the SPI. Download includes schematics, source code (.asm), and readme.

Download Files.; atmega88pa ; 18.432 MHz ; spi - slave mode, fclk/16, MSB first ; sample rising edge, set up falling edge ; ; to use: ; two byte packets, first byte is servo number ; second byte is position ; server number = 0 to 7 ; position = 0 - 254 ; ; in the spi interrupt routine uncomment: ; cpi spidata, 255 ; breq reset ; to allow the value 255 to be used to ; reset the software. Otherwise don't ; use the value 255. This software doesn't ; provide error checking. ; ; LSB = least significant byte ; MSB = most signifacant byte ; ; uncomment the next line if using Atmel Studio 4 ; .include "" .def temp = r16 .def spiData = r17 .def resolutionCounter = r18 .def flags = r19 .def pointerBuffer = r20 ; flags: ; bit0 - spia, 0 spi not received / 1 spi received ; bit1 - spib, 0 LSB ready / 1 MSB ready ; bit2 - UNDEFINED ; bit3 - UNDEFINED ; bit4 - UNDEFINED ; bit5 - UNDEFINED ; bit6 - UNDEFINED ; bit7 - UNDEFINED .equ spiaMas = 0b00000001 .equ spiaBit = 0 .equ spibMask = 0b00000010 .equ spibBit = 1 .equ servoPorta = portd .equ resolution = 8 .equ _1mSecWait = 2303 .equ _18mSecWait = 41471 .cseg .org 0x00 rjmp reset ; Reset ; rjmp reset ; int0 ; rjmp reset ; int1 ; rjmp reset ; pcint0 ; rjmp reset ; pcint1 ; rjmp reset ; pcint2 ; rjmp reset ; wdt ; rjmp reset ; timer2compA ; rjmp reset ; timer2compB ; rjmp reset ; timer2ovf ; rjmp reset ; timer1capt .org 0x0b rjmp int_timer1compA ; timer1compA rjmp int_timer1compB ; timer1compB ; rjmp reset ; timer1Ovf ; rjmp reset ; timer0compA ; rjmp reset ; timer0compB ; rjmp reset ; timer0ovf .org 0x11 rjmp int_spi ; spi ; rjmp reset ; usart rx ; rjmp reset ; usart udre ; rjmp reset ; usart tx ; rjmp reset ; adc ; rjmp reset ; eeReady ;c ;o reset reset: ; initialize stack ldi temp, low(ramend) out spl, temp ldi temp, high(ramend) out sph, temp ; set portd for all output ldi temp, 0xff out ddrd, temp ; enable global interupts sei ; initialize timer1 ldi temp, (1<<wgm12)|(1<<cs11) ; clear timer on compare match, fclk/8 sts tccr1b, temp ldi temp, (1<<ocie1a) ; compA enabled sts timsk1, temp ; initialize spi ldi temp, (1<<PB4) out DDRB, temp ldi temp, (1<<spie)|(1<<spe)|(1<<spr0) ; interrupt enabled, spi enabled, msb first, slave mode, sample rising edge out spcr, temp ; setup falling edge, Fosc/16, mosi, sck, and ss pin functions are overidden as inputs prime: ldi temp, high(_1mSecWait) ; load timer/counter1 compare registiters sts ocr1ah, temp ldi temp, low(_1mSecWait) sts ocr1al, temp ldi temp, high(_18mSecWait) sts ocr1bh, temp ldi temp, low(_18mSecWait) sts ocr1bl, temp ldi r27, 0x01 ; all servos at center ldi temp, 127 st x+, temp st x+, temp st x+, temp st x+, temp st x+, temp st x+, temp st x+, temp st x, temp ldi r26, 0x00 ldi temp, 0xff out servoPorta, temp main: sbrc flags, spiaBit rcall parse rjmp main parse: cbr flags, spiaMask sbrc flags, spibBit ; if LSB then set pointer to table, else store data in table rjmp storeData mov pointerBuffer, spidata sbr flags, spibMask ret storeData: cli mov r26, pointerBuffer st x, spidata sei ; ldi r26, 0x00 ; restore pointer, might be able to comment this line out, try it and see, save a byte and clock cycle cbr flags, spibMask ret int_spi: in spiData , spdr ; move data into register, then flip flag bit ; uncomment below to enable reset ; cpi spiData, 255 ; send 255 to reset ; breq reset sbr flags, spiaMask reti int_timer1compA: ldi temp, high(resolution) sts ocr1ah, temp ldi temp, low(resolution) ; set resolution to 1/256 mSecs sts ocr1al, temp cpi resolutionCounter, 255 ; after 2mSecs goto 18 mSecs wait mode breq compAoff servoOut: servo0: ld temp, x+ cpse temp, resolutionCounter rjmp servo1 cbi servoPorta, 0 servo1: ld temp, x+ cpse temp, resolutionCounter rjmp servo2 cbi servoPorta, 1 servo2: ld temp, x+ cpse temp, resolutionCounter rjmp servo3 cbi servoPorta, 2 servo3: ld temp, x+ cpse temp, resolutionCounter rjmp servo4 cbi servoPorta, 3 servo4: ld temp, x+ cpse temp, resolutionCounter rjmp servo5 cbi servoPorta, 4 servo5: ld temp, x+ cpse temp, resolutionCounter rjmp servo6 cbi servoPorta, 5 servo6: ld temp, x+ cpse temp, resolutionCounter rjmp servo7 cbi servoPorta, 6 servo7: ld temp, x cpse temp, resolutionCounter rjmp serovOutCleanUp cbi servoPorta, 7 serovOutCleanUp: ldi r26, 0x00 ; restore xpointer to beginning of sram inc resolutionCounter reti compAoff: inc resolutionCounter ldi temp, 0xff sts ocr1ah, temp sts ocr1al, temp ldi temp, (1<<ocie1B) ; compareA is now off sts timsk1, temp reti int_timer1compB: ldi temp, 0x00 sts tcnt1h, temp sts tcnt1l, temp ldi temp, (1<<ocie1A) ; turn compareA back on sts timsk1, temp ldi temp, high(_1mSecWait) ; restore compareA to 1mSecWait sts ocr1ah, temp ldi temp, low(_1mSecWait) sts ocr1al, temp ldi temp, 0xff ; pull all servo's high out servoPorta, temp reti